194,340 |
de Lorraine
Født. den 20. oktober, 1677, Lwów,
Polen [nu Lviv, Ukraine]
Død 23. februar, 1766, Lunéville, Frankrig.
Stanislas Leszczynski blev placeret
på den polske trone af Karl
XII af Sverige, som havde vundet dette territorium under en
militær kampagne i 1704. Stanislas blev afsat i 1709 og forlod landet
for at slå sig ned i den franske provins Alsace.
Stanislas datter Marie giftede sig med Louis
XV i 1725. I 1733 forsøgte Stanislas at genvinde den polske
trone ved hjælp af fransk støtte for sit kandidatur. En krig som
varede fem år sluttede med at Stanilas igen tabte sit krav på den
polske trone. Freden i Wien underskrevet i 1738 tillod Stanilas
at beholde sine kongelige titler og afgav ham provinserne Lorraine
og bar for livstid.
Hans dannede sit hof ved Lunéville (sydøst for Nancy).
Stanislas was the father of the Queen of France, he also received
a yearly income of two million livres from the French treasury. He
set up a court at Lunéville (southeast of present day Nancy) and
spent the rest of his life embellishing his two residences and
enjoying the good life. The scene is now set for the entrance of
Voltaire and Emilie.
Voltaire and Emilie were invited to Lunéville because Father
Menou, religious adviser to Stanislas, had a rivalry with
Stanislas's mistress, Mme de Boufflers. Father Menou hoped to
dispose the mistress by providing a suitable replacement. The
woman would have to be cheerful and amusing, beautiful and not too
young, a noble Lorrainer by birth or marriage to be acceptable to
the Court - and Emilie du Châtelet was the ideal choice.