Yasukata Oku |
Japan, 1846-1939 | 27.12.11 | |
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Japansk greve og general. Chef for 2. armé.
Oku, Jasukata, greve (f. 1846), japansk general; 1894-95 i krigen mod Kina chef for femte division; baron. 1904-05 i russisk-japanske krig chef for anden armé, bidrog i høj grad til sejrene ved Liaojang september 1904 og Mukden marts 1905 ved sin hensynsløse kraft og sejge energi under angreben på den russiske armés højre fløj. 1906 greve og generalstabschef, 1912 medlem af »det højeste krigsråd« og feltmarskal. (HK7/1924) Oku, Yasukata, Count. Born in 1846. Served in the Japanese army for about forty years. In 1877, when he had attained the rank of major, he greatly distinguished himself at the siege of Kumamoto Castle by the Satsuma insurgents, cutting his way out and opening communication with the relieving army. When the war broke out with China in 1894, he was given the command of a division in the Manchurian campaign, and received his title of nobility in recognition of his great services. His knowledge of the ground and his capacity marked him out for service in the war with Russia. He commanded the second army, which landed on the east coast of the Liao-tung Peninsula in May, 1904; won the brilliant victory at Kinchau, and did splendid service in the subsequent fighting in Manchuria. Count, 1907. |