Enrico Caviglia

Italien, 1863-1945

Italiensk general. Chef for 8. armé på den italienske front.

En af de bedste italienske generaler nogenside. Født 1863, artilleriofficer 1862. Gjorde tjeneste i Afrika i 1888 og var ved Aduwa i 1896. Blev i 1905 udnævnt til militærattaché i Japan og fulgte den russisk-japanske krig, hvorunder han lærte brugbare lektioner i moderne krigskunst. Han vendte tilbage til Italien ved at krydse Asien til hest. Libyske kampagne 1912.
   I 1915 kommanderede han Bari-brigaden på Carso-fronten. I 1916 kommandør for den 29. division på Alpe-fronten. I 1917 kommandør for XXIV korps på Isonzo-fonten.


. During Caporetto defeat, he retired in good order his Corps from Isonzo to Piave, saving not only his troops but also three divisions of the XXVII Corps. For this reason, he matured the hate of the XXIV Corps commander, Badoglio which placed Caviglia between his enemies. After that, Caviglia leaded VII and X Corps until was named commander of the 8th Army in June 1918. The 8th Army was Italian Army spearhead in Vittorio Veneto battle. After war he received the Great Cross of Savoian Military Order and was Minister of War from January 17, 1919 to June 23, 1919. Marechal of Italy in 1926, he was known for his anti-fascist feelings and retired at private life. He covered again some role in the days of armistice (1943) after that he retired definitely and died in 1945. He was always respected also by German occupation forces.