Charles Emmanuel I, den Store

-, 1580-1630
Charles Emmanuel I

Hertug af Savoyen. Støttede protestanterne i Böhmen.

In 1580, Emmanuel Philibert died; he was succeeded by his son, Charles Emmanuel I, the Great (1580-1630). I 1588 an attempt to take Geneva by surprise failed. Krig med Schweiz fulgte; fredsaftale blev underskrevet i 1589 (Noyon-traktaten). Samme år gjorde Provence oprør mod kongen; det provencalske parlament i Aix erklærede Charles Emmanuel af Savoyen for greve af Provence; Savoyen blev involveret i den franske borgerkrig; for Savoyen varede krigen i omkring 9 år. In 1594, FRANCIS OF SALES began a (successful) campaign aiming at the recatholization of the Chablais (in violation of the Treaty of Lausanne).
In 1600, King Henri IV.'s rule in France had been established; he invaded Savoy-Piemont; French forces occupied major cities and fortresses in Piemont. In 1601 the TREATY OF LYON was signed; Savoy ceded BRESSE and LE BUGEY to France; the French in turn evacuated the cities and fortresses they held in Piemont, as well as the county of SALUZZO, which Charles Emmanuel had acquired in 1588.
In 1602 yet another attempt to take Geneva by surprise (escalade) failed. The TREATY OF ST. JULIEN (1603) reestablished normal relations.