GDC/Hughes Tomahawk SLCM

Målsøgning Tercom (+ GPS i Block III)
Rækkevidde 1.300-1.853 km (TLAM-C og D/TLAM-C Block III)
Fart Mach 0,7
Sprænghoved 454 kg/347 kg





JDW 13/01: Den amerikanske flåde ønsker at udvikle nyt sprænghoved til sine Tomahawk og Tactical Tomahawk landangreb krydsermissiler. Skal være i stand til at sprede smarte submunition  over et stort område samt at gennemtrænge forstærkede mål. Block III missiler har nu et WDU-36B sprænghoved, hvor den nye version skal have en vægt på 317 kg.

JDW 16/01: Den britiske flåde vil integrere Tactical Tomahawk (TacTom) landangreb krydsermissiler på sine ubåde. Block IIIC varianter af Tomahawk landangreb krydsermissiler (TLAM) er allerede integreret og affyres fra ubådenes torpedorør. Den første ubåd med dette system, HMS Splendid, affyrede ca. 20 TLAM missiler under Operation Allied Force i 1999. Siden har også HMS Triumph fået TLAM og HMS Trafalgar slutter sig til flåden igen medio 2001 med systemet. Derefter følger HMS Spartan, HMS Tireless and HMS Turbulent. Block IIIC er nu ude af produktion, så Royal Navy er nu interesseret i TacTom. TacTom udvikles af Raytheon og forventes i tjeneste i 2003. Flåden fandt det for dyrt at integrere vertikale affyringsrør i sine ubåde.

JDW 33/01: HMS Trafalgar har som den 3. ubåd i den britiske flåde testaffyret et Tomahawk Block IIIC landangreb krydsermissil (TLAM) 7/8/01. Den første var HMS Splendid i 11/98 efterfulgt af HMS Triumph. I alt 7 Trafalgar-klassen og 2 Swiftsure-klassen ubåde skal have TLAM-modernisering.  HMS Spartan er ved at blive ombygget og efterfølges af HMS Trenchant, HMS Turbulent, HMS Talent, HMS Tireless and HMS Torbay frem til 2006. De 3 kommende Astute-klassen ubåde får TLAM fra levering.

JDW 1/02 : I 4/02 vil Raytheon have leveret de sidste af 624 ombyggede Tomahawk missiler, efter kontrakt fra FY99. Omfatter 200 AGM-109B Tomahawk sømålsmissiler og 424 Tomahawk Block II Land Attack Missiles, nu ombygget til Tomahawk IIIC TLAM standard for USN og RN.

JDW 3/02 : USN fortsætter ombygningen af 434 Tomahawk Block II landangrebsmissiler til Block IIC standard. Sker frem til 4/04.

JDW 7/02 : Raytheon har modtaget kontrakt på at ombygge 22 UGM-09C Tomahawk Land-Attack-Missiles til Block IIIC standard for Storbritannien.

JDW 47/02 : Den amerikanske flåde vil modtage Tactical Tomahawk Block IV langtrækkende sømåls- og landangrebsmissiler fra 2004. Har under tests gennemført flyvninger på 1.255 km.

Navy League 6/03: Spain Requests Tomahawks For Destroyers and Submarines
The Spanish Navy has requested the U.S. government to release for sale Tomahawk missiles. It is likely that the U.S. Navy would release a global positioning system (GPS) guidance-only version of the newer and cheaper version, the Block IV Tactical Tomahawk land-attack missile (TLAM).
However, the deal has not been finalized because release ability issues still have to be resolved. In light of Spain's support of the United States during the recent Iraqi war and the importance of its role within NATO, it is likely that the United States will approve the request.
The Spanish Navy intends to deploy these missiles first on the Alvaro de Bazan-class destroyers and possibly later in the S 80-class submarines. The Alvaro de Bazan-class destroyers--of which the first unit (Alvaro de Bazan) was commissioned on 19 September 2002 and the second unit (Almirante Juan de Borbon) was launched on 4 April 2003--will house and launch the cruise missiles from the Lockheed Martin-built Mk41 vertical launch system (VLS). More than likely all four units of the class will be armed with Tomahawks once the sale is approved.
The Spanish Navy is also planning to arm a new class of submarines with the Tomahawk. The S 80 submarine, designed by IZAR, will likely be fitted for but not with the new TLAMs, giving the service the flexibility to arm the submarines with the missiles at a later date. When the S 80 submarine initially was designed, it was envisioned as a Spanish version of the French Scorpéne class. However, the S 80 is a new and larger IZAR design of approximately 2,400 tons. In its current design phase it appears that a Lockheed Martin combat management system will be selected, which should also facilitate the integration of the Tomahawk missile. Should Tomahawk not be approved for release, the Spanish Navy would likely look to the new French Naval Scalp missile.
A construction contract for the first S 80 submarine--scheduled for commissioning in 2007--is now expected to be signed between June and December 2003. Up to seven additional units through 2015 may be ordered in two batches.
The Tomahawk cruise missile--once restricted to the United States and United Kingdom only--appears to be headed for Spain and possibly other nations in the near future, but perhaps in different variants (GPS-only guidance). The Tomahawk will fit only in the strike-length Mk41 Vertical Launching System, while most exports of the Mk41 VLS have been of tactical length.

WWW 10/05: Holland har besluttet at erhverve 30 Raytheon Tomahawk krydsermissiler (Block IV).

WWW 7/06: USA har godkendt salget af 60æ-100 Tomahawk krydsermissiler til Spanien. Vil blive anvendt på fregatter af Alvaro de Bazan-klassen og ubåde af S80-klassen.