Le Triomphant-klassen SSBN
Frankrig: 3+1
Navn Begyndt Søsat Tjeneste Noter S 616 Le Triomphant 30-10-86 13-7-93 21-3-97 Brest S 617 Le Téméraire - 8-8-97 23-12-99 Brest S 618 Le Vigilant 9-12-93 -4-03 26-11-04 2004 S 619 Terrible - -08 -10 udsat til 2010 JDW 44/01: Ubåden Le Triomphant skal gennemgå et 29 måneder langt hovedeftersyn ved Direction des Constructions Navales (DCN) fra 4/02. I denne periode vil flåden kun have 3 aktive atombevæbnede ubåde.
l'Ile Longue
48°18'15"N 4°26'45"WThe Force Oceanique Strategique [FOST] is headquartered at Houilles, near Paris. The ballistic missile submarines are based at l'Ile Longue [Long Island] near Brest in northwest France. All SSNs and two SSs are based at Toulon. Logistical support for the fleet is provided by the Ile Longue [48°18'N 4°30'W] naval base in Brest Bay where the assembly and storage facilities are located. Brest is the headquarters of the Squadron of the Atlantic and the Strategic Oceanic Force and the French base of the nuclear submarines. Most of the manpower is located in Brest: The Group of Underwater Action (Le Groupe d’Action Sous-Marine -GASM), provides the means necessary to the operations high level Naval Aviation in fight under the sea, in particular with the benefit of the safety of the FOST, as well as elements of the anti-submarine escort of a deployed naval force, whatever the zone, if the underwater threat justifies it. The underwater force (La force sous-marine FSM) is composed of strategic nuclear submarines based in l'Ile Longue and of nuclear attack submarines distributed between Brest and Toulon. The economic impact of the National Navy and the services of the General Delegation of the Armament is particularly significant in Brest.