Daniele Manin |
Italien, 1804-57 |
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Italiensk politiker. Blev leder af republikken Venezia 1848. Manin flygtede i eksil til Paris 1849.
Manin, Daniele (1804-57), veneziansk diktator, 1830 advokat i Venezia, fængslet under frihedsrøret 1848. Løsladt marts samme år, blev han sjælen i et oprør, bemægtigede sig 22. marts arsenalet, proklamerede republikken og tog styret som førsteminister. Efter foreningen med Sardinien gik han af 3.juli, men efter dettes nederlag udnævntes han til diktator 11. august og forsvarede byen mod østrigerne indtil august 1849. Udelukket fra den i kapitulationen 24. august lovede amnesti drog Manin til Paris, hvor han levede som sproglærer og journalist. Hans lig førtes under hædersbevisninger til Venezia, og hans statue rejstes der og i Torino. (HK6/9123) Venetian leader of the movement to free N Italy from Austrian rule. His father, a Jew, was converted to Christianity and took the name of his patrons, the illustrious Venetian family of Manin. A successful lawyer, Manin was active in revolutionary agitation against Austrian rule in Venice and was imprisoned in Jan., 1848, with the poet Niccolò Tommaseo. Released two months later after the outbreak of the Revolution of 1848, he became head of the Venetian republic. Despite his opposition, Venice voted (July, 1848) its union with the kingdom of Sardinia, and Manin, an ardent republican, resigned. However, he soon returned to power as head of a triumvirate, and in Mar., 1849, he was given dictatorial powers. He won great prestige for organizing the heroic resistance of Venice to its Austrian besiegers. After famine and disease forced Venice to surrender (Aug., 1849), Manin went into exile in Paris. He subsequently supported the leadership of Sardinia in the movement for Italian unification and helped found the National Society, which played an important part in organizing support for Sardinia in 1859-60. |