OTO Melara/Matra Milas ASW LWT Frankrig Italien

Kaliber 324mm
Længde 4,46 m
Vægt 800 kg
Mål -
Målsøgning -
Rækkevidde 55 km (5-35 km)
Sprænghoved MU-90 eller Mk 46 Mod 5 torpedo
Fart Mach 0,9
Rækkevidde -
Diameter 46 cm
Bredde 1,35 m

Milas ----- Anti-submarine missile, which is essentially a rocket carrying a MU-90 torpedo, built by Matra Defense (France) and Oto Melara (Italy); still in development, successfully test-fired on 4/21/94. [France, Italy]

GIE MILAS, a joint venture company formed by MATRA BAe Dynamics France and Alenia Difesa of Italy, originally designed, developed, and built the MILAS system to launch the MU 90 Franco-Italian torpedo. GIE MILAS is pursuing the adaptation of the Mk 46 torpedo into the MILAS ASW Missile System in order to offer the MILAS system as a stand-off ASW weapon systems capability to the 24 navies that carry the MK 46 torpedo. Raytheon signed a $1.7 million engineering development contract in October 1997 with GIE MILAS to support the integration of the Mk 46 torpedo into the MILAS Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Missile System. In April 1998 France decided not to produce or acquire this system, which was developed in a Franco-Italian cooperative arrangement.

Milas : Successeur du Malafon, le Milas (Missile de lutte anti-sous-marine) est un missile porte-torpille pour bâtiments de surface, dérivé du missile Otomat, et conçu pour porter la torpille MU 90 des marines française et italienne, ou toute autre torpille légère. Le premier tir a eu lieu en août 1989. La France a abandonné le projet, mais l'Italie le poursuit. Le Milas équipe les frégates Durand de la Penne.
