Pastor Jeff Knoll, Jamie and Raleigh
“We have a pastor!” said Blawenburg Church’s VP of Consistory David Cochran on Sunday, June 19. Reverend Jeff Knol, from the Colts Neck Reformed Church, guest preached that day. Following the service, Dr. Cochran convened a meeting of the congregation and it voted a unanimous approval of the Search Committee’s recommendation and the church governing board’s decision to extend a “call” to Reyerend Knol.
Within days, the Delaware-Raritan Classis of the RCA – the governing group to which Blawenburg Church belongs – approved the action, and Rev. Knol accepted. Pastor Jeff signs on with Blawenburg officially on Tuesday, August 23.
“Jamie and I are really excited about this new chapter in our lives,” Rev. Knol said, “and we’re looking forward to meeting everyone at the church.” August 27, a Saturday, looks like move-in day at the parsonage. Ahead of that, the Knols plan to do some of their own painting in the pastor’s residence.
Jamie Knol is expecting, so the church will have a baby in residence as well. The anticipated due date is mid-November. The Knols are doing it the old fashioned way; they’ll be pleasantly surprised with a girl or a boy.
Both Jeff and Jamie Knol are originally from Michigan. They met while attending Calvin College in Grand Rapids. Jeff attended Princeton Theological Seminary and earned his Master of Divinity degree there in 2012. He also took specific denominational courses at New Brunswick Theological Seminary. In September 2012, Jeff signed on as a part-time Youth Pastor at Emanuel Lutheran Church in New Brunswick, and the following June he became Interim Pastor at the Reformed Church of Highland Park. In the fall of 2013, Jeff become Associate Minister at Colts Neck Reformed Church, where he has taught classes for young people becoming members, led a high school youth program, and helped coordinate programs for all youth and young adults. This summer, he led a mission trip helping to rehab homes in an economically depressed part of Tennessee.
Jamie Knol works for Princeton Healthcare System, the outfit that operhtes the new Princeton Medical Center in Plainsboro. Jamie enjoys baking, reading and walking their dog, Raleigh.
“I’m really looking forward to all that Montgomery Township has to offer,” Jamie says.
“God is bringing us together,” Pastor Knol says of their move to the landmark church. “Let’s do some good work.”