Montgomery EMS rigs following an August 3-car accident.
Not a typo, it was a three rig circus, but it wasn’t any fun. Another multi-vehicle accident unfortunately occurred early August at the juncture of Rt. 206 and Montgomery Ave. damaging three different vehicles and requiring three separate ambulances to transport three injured patients. Many volunteer MEMS personnel responded above and beyond those on duty to assist and care for the injured, and three units responded to transport all the patients. The traffic flow on Rt. 206 was restored in less than an hour.
But here’s the elephant in the center ring: had this been a major trauma call, MEMS 47 would not have had the option to cross the Rt. 518 bridge to go to RWJ New Brunswick or have been able to connect with an ALS (Advanced Life Support) unit coming from the east. Montgomery Township is working with neighboring municipalities to petition the NJ DOT to complete the Rt. 518 bridge project so emergency personnel, police, and daily traffic can traverse this much needed artery.
We support the efforts of Montgomery Township and our neighboring towns requesting the DOT that they certify Rt. 518 Bridge is a project essential for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of New Jersey so it can be completed without delay (