Cessna Model 182 Skylane
© Air Forces Monthly.
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EWAP/86 : Den lokale politistyrke i Dubai råder over 1 Cessna 182N Skylane fly.
AFM 11/11 : Det afghanske luftvåben modtog de 3 første Cessna T182T Turbo Skylane fly [N9108T/YA-19029, N9108S/YA19030 og N9109N/YA19031] sep. 2011. Flyene ankom til Shindand AB 18/9/2011, hvor de skal bruges til basistræning. Kontrakt for i alt 6 fly blev indgået 26/5/2011. De sidste 3 fly forlod fabrikken ved Wichita 22/9/2011.
AFM 6/16 : Det afghanske luftvåben udfasede sine Cessna T182T Turbo Skylane træningsfly for nogle måneder siden. I alt 6 fly [YA19029, YA19030, YA19031, YA19033, YA19034 og YA19035] var i tjeneste ved Fixed-Wing Training School i Shindand. Efter at have undersøgt flyene overtalte teknikere fra Cessna luftvåbnet til at finde ny anvendelse for flyene. Forventes at komme i tjeneste ved Civil Air Patrol (CAP) i USA, som allerede opererer fly af denne type. Men først skal flyene klargøres af Cessna ved Wichita, Kansas.
Belgien: In order to replace the ageing Alouette II helicopters of the Rijkswacht/Gendarmerie the Belgian government ordered three second-hand Cessna 182 Skylane II observation aircraft [G-01/03/04] on the American market. Before delivery they were overhauled and standardised at the Cessna factory in Reims (France). After the loss of G-03 at Melsbroek a replacement aircraft was bought. As Puma G-02 was still in service at the time of the Cessna order no G-2 serial was attributed to the Cessna’s. [belgian-wings.be]